Hi Stephanie!

I found that I made similar connections pointed out in your blog post to our topic readings. In particular, I was also surprised about the first correspondence school in Canada opening in 1919 and how much has changed since then! I am also interested in learning about the new technologies that will be emerging as more people are shifting towards online learning/working due to the current pandemic.

It was interesting to hear about your experience with technology growing up. I also started using desktop computers at school starting in middle school and high school, however the technology used was quite limited and Ipads or Smart Boards were not introduced. It wasn’t until my post-secondary education when I really started using my computer for educational purposes.

I liked the quote that you used from Tony Bates in reference to instructors and teachers not being told how to teach. I believe it is up to us as educators to ensure that all our students needs are being met and creating an environment where students are able to learn.  I know from my personal experience in education, I did not feel that I was reaching my potential and in some subjects falling far behind because I wasn’t provided with the tools or opportunities to reach my potential. That being said, I do see the challenges that teachers may face to ensure that this happening and especially in an online setting I believe it could create more challenges. I think that you addressed an important point that human connection is vital when teaching students online. Without having this connection, I believe it would be extremely difficult to know where students need help and their learning styles.