Hi Stephanie! Thanks for sharing your blog post. The first point that you make about ensuring that students have access to the technologies needed is very valid and a huge step in making sure students have equal access to learning! I also made the connection in my blog about the Basham et al article explaining the barriers that students face who have disabilities, ELLS and are in poverty. Thankfully, I have heard of schools that have rented out technology to their students during the pandemic, otherwise I do feel that a lot of students would be at a disadvantage.

I liked the point that you made about creating different spaces for students, which will hopefully make them feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. I believe that this connects with our topic one and how important it is to build connections and not lose that in an online learning setting.

Overall, I really liked the connections you made to our readings and felt that you addressed the blog prompt well! I also hope to learn about teachers and their experiences with switching to an online setting due to the pandemic!