Hi Brittany!

Thank you for sharing your blog post! I also think it is interesting how each country has different polices and structures related to the education system and how it is important for us as educators to understand and consider the diversity of online programs.

I appreciated your paragraph outlining the different forms of online learning. I also found the definitions related to open learning in Roberts’ article to be useful and gave me better insight into the topic. I also really liked SAMR graphic that you included in your blog post. I thought it did a good job at breaking down the degrees of technology integration in the classroom. After further research on the SAMR model, I found this website to provide useful information that you may want to look into: https://www.schoology.com/blog/samr-model-practical-guide-edtech-integration

I thought that you did a good job at answering the blog prompt and discussing the historical and theoretical trends. I liked the connection that you made to the different approaches and theories presented in the readings (behaviorism, connectivism, etc.) and discuss how these have helped shaped teaching practices. In your blog, it is mentioned that including various elements of these theories will help create a diverse learning environment for students, which is important as we need to consider the needs of all our students!