Hi Amanda!

Thank you for sharing your blog post! After writing my own blog post, reviewing Stephanie and Brittany’s posts, I believe we are all quite surprised to learn that distributed learning started evolving in Canada during the 1990’s. I think it surprises us, as it feels like we are only now really learning about distanced learning and its presence within Canada over 100 years later.

I enjoyed reading about the teaching machine in your blog post and how it highlights that the teaching machine was able to increase interactions between the two people using it. With schooling shifting towards being online due to the coronavirus, I think it important for educators to ensure that we are still building connections and interacting with students genuinely.  So far, this course has highlighted that connections do not have to be lost in online settings. Hopefully we can continue to learn about different strategies to help ensure we are still building connections with students in any learning environment!

I also really liked your connection to Skinner’s goal regarding the teaching machine results to what we are trying to achieve with online and open learning. I never considered those connections and I thought that that paragraph laid out the information very clearly! I also like that you pointed out that technology has evolved so much over time, but some of the core values of tech related learning are still present! It will be interesting to see how technology evolves even further than it has over our careers.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading your blog post and look forward to what comes from topic 3!