This week, we had a guest speaker and students come to our class to talk to us about Minecraft and lead us through an activity. I had just heard the news of my Sweden practicum being cancelled, so was not feeling extremely focused. Rich, had excused us from blog posts for that week, but I will reflect on the part that I stayed for.

Hearing Heidi explain that it can be used as a tool for incorporating technology in a classroom while also making it educational in subjects like social studies or math was something I never had considered. It was nice to have her students in the classroom be so eager to help us navigate through the system and answer any questions. You could tell that this program was something that they were very passionate about and for some had created an avenue for pursuing a career in architecture!

I will definitely consider using Minecraft in my future classroom if possible. I think that Heidi having support from her school administrators is a real bonus and I would be interested to know what other schools think about using Minecraft.