Zero-Waste Overwhelm

As I have been continuing my research and personal efforts with a zero-waste lifestyle, I have been feeling somewhat overwhelmed on the topic. It is hard to believe that my efforts will actually help make a difference in helping our environment. That being said, I know that I feel better about myself when I do take steps to avoid waste, but it is a little discouraging to know that all that plastic and waste that I am avoiding is still being produced and used by others. I also don’t think that it is realistic for everyone to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle. I know that during my research I have found ways that I could avoid waste, such as using a Bidet instead of toilet paper, using a handkerchief instead of a tissue, etc. but sometimes the thought of making those switches doesn’t feel practical or something that I am motivated to do. Also, in terms of practicality, it feels that trying to be zero-waste in a household with children doesn’t always work. I wish I had the time to make homemade school snacks to avoid packaging, but I don’t and I know that for the average parent that is also not a likely scenario. I also notice that majority of what the children bring home from school are completely non-recyclable or plastic (prizes, art, etc.) and that is something that I can’t control. I also wouldn’t ever want them to feel bad or worry about enjoying things that children enjoy. With all this being said, I have found through my research that others trying to adapt zero-waste lifestyles also find it overwhelming.

Tips that I have found to help set realistic expectations are:

  • Finding one thing that you can do regularly and consistently is better than trying to set too many goals and not being able to achieve them and then feeling guilty when can’t follow through
  • When trying to quit plastic, set a goal of avoiding one plastic item from your life instead of all at once (example: give up getting food that is packaged, using straws, particular food that comes in plastic wrap)
  • Celebrate all the progresses you have made (small or big)
  • I know that there are so many more things that I would like to adapt to zero-waste living, but I think channeling my energy and time into things that work for me and my house is going to take off some of the pressure to go 100% on being zero-waste and enjoy the journey!